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Creating Tickets

Every new message created in Slack channel will create a Zendesk ticket, unless multiple Slack messages are sent from the same sender within a configured timeframe, in which case they'll be threaded into the same Zendesk ticket.

Tickets can only be created from Slack messages - creating a ticket manually in Zendesk will not start a new thread in Slack.

Each Zendesk comment contains a "(View in Slack)" link that will deeplink you directly to the conversation in the Slack desktop app.

Auto-responders from Zendesk will not be sent to Slack

Zensync is intentionally designed to not send any auto-responder messages from Zendesk back into Slack.


Zensync is designed to send replies directly from Zendesk, and you can use your normal flow for replying to support tickets. However, if you prefer to reply from Slack, your message will still get synced back to Zendesk - you may just need to update the status of the ticket manually.

Zendesk Users​

A new user in Zendesk will be created for each Slack user that submits a new message. It's okay to add these users to an Organization in Zendesk but do not edit their contact information or group them into another user record.

Same Sender Message Threading​

If the same Slack user posts multiple messages within a configurable timeframe, they will be threaded into the same Zendesk ticket. If an earlier message was already replied to from Zendesk, this feature won't trigger even if another Slack message is sent within the configured timeframe.


If you have the Zensync bot added to a channel but aren't seeing new messages create tickets in Zendesk check the following:

  1. You have your Zendesk connection configured properly.
  2. You haven't exceeded the number of channels available in your plan.
  3. You're Zendesk support plan includes webhooks and API access.

If you're still having trouble or have questions, ping us in Slack or email [email protected].