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Security is our top priority and a core value in every decision we make. We understand that you're trusting us with sensetive information and take that responsibility seriously.


Zensync upholds your privacy and security by storing the minimum amount of data necessary and following strict company procedures. We only store entity IDs, which by themselves don't expose any information about the entity. If more information is needed, it's fetched, processed, and discarded without being stored in logs or our database.

We never save your messages, files, email addresses, or customer information. Access credentials are always encrypted with AES-256 algorithms.


We request the minimum permissions necessary for the bot to function. The Slack OAuth token granted to Zensync only has access to information about your company team members, and information about the channels it's been added to.

Zensync can never impersonate you, act on your behalf, of see any message or content from channels it has not explicitly been added to.

Zensync does not request permission to access any DMs or group chats and cannot be used in these channels.

Data collection​

Our primary policy is to work with the absolute minimum amount of data and permissions necessary for Zensync to function. We prioritize this core principle before considering any product enhancement.

Company info​

We store basic information about your company such as name and domain. This helps us create a more inviting experience and understand who our customers are. We never see or store any company name or domain information from connected channels, so we'll never see who your customers are.

Channel info​

We store the channel name and Slack ID (e.g. C1H9RESGL) of every channel that Zensync is added to.

User identifiers​

The only user identifier we save is the Slack ID (e.g. U0G9QF9C6) of someone who sends a message in Slack - no email addresses. The exceptions are:

  • For billing purposes, we store your billing contact email in Stripe to process invoices.
  • If you enter an email address for a default ticket assignee, that email address will be stored in our database.


We only store the Slack message ID (e.g. 1483037603.017503) or the Zendesk public ticket ID (e.g. 12345).

The contents of your messages are never saved and cannot be seen or read by our team.


Files shared between Slack and Zensync are never saved on our servers, ever.


Your Slack and Zendesk OAuth tokens are encrypted and saved in our database. This is required handle messaging between the two platforms. Both of these credentials are encrypted with credit card grade AES-256 algorithms and never seen or saved in plain text.


If you or your team have specific questions about how Zensync is built, our processes or how we store and handle data please get in touch at [email protected].

We are very happy to answer any questions you have.